Programming Submission Form
Thank you for your interest in presenting at Shore Leave. Please submit each idea separately using this form. Our programming team will review all submissions and provide an official response within 10 days of your submission.
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Panel Point of Contact
This person will receive all communication from Shore Leave regarding your presentation and will be responsible for notifying fellow panelists of additional information sent out throughout the application process.
No dashes, just numbers.
If your panel is chosen, this will be used for our program guides. Shore Leave reserves the right to edit this description should it feel necessary (25 words or less).
Preferred Day/Time
Is there a Day/Time when you CANNOT host?
Have you previously presented this program, or a variation of it, at other meetings, conferences or conventions?
Does your program have an attendance limit?
What rating would be applied to your program?
Do you plan to use media during your presentation?
Shore Leave will provide AV support within reason. We do not have extra laptops, but will do our best to have projectors and sound equipment for the panels as long as their is prior notice.
Do you have all required permissions for the video and audio clips in your presentation?
Moderator Name
If you have planned additional presenters, please provide the information below including the moderator. It is not necessary for you to have a planned slate of presenters to submit your program idea. Shore Leave reserves the right to assign/re-assign presenters to all programs as best serves the overall meeting needs.
I understand that this application does not guarantee me a programming slot at Shore Leave Convention and only registers my request to stage a program at the event. I understand that, if my program is accepted, I acknowledge that as a designated Fan Panelist I would have to purchase admission to the convention to present. I will abide by all Shore Leave Convention policies if my program is selected. I also understand that, if accepted, Shore Leave Convention reserves the right to adjust the time and/or location of my programming at any time and that Shore Leave Convention may also decide to combine my program idea with other similar ideas to best serve the needs of the overall convention. By submitting this application, I am agreeing to all terms and conditions as stated above by either typing my name, digital signature or manual signature.