Shore Leave Masquerade Information


While many Shore Leave attendees wear costumes in the convention hallways (though it is by no means required), the Masquerade is the event where costumers can get up on stage and show off their art for the greatest number of people at once.

For the audience, it’s a little like a beauty pageant, a little like a talent show. Costumers may appear alone on stage, or often a group of costumers will arrange a presentation. The MC introduces each presentation, either of a single costume or a group, and then each entry gets a minute or so to show off their costume/s to the audience. Sometimes it’s just a sort of fashion show walk out on stage, but often there’s a short skit involved, which can explain the character represented and provide some context for the costume – and some more entertainment for the audience.

Entries are judged both on the appearance of the costume, and on the effectiveness of the presentation. Costumers may choose to show their costumes to the Handiwork Judges before their stage presentations, in case there’s something that they’re particularly proud of which might not be obvious from a few feet away – like the fine finish of all the seams on the interior of the costume, for instance.

For the costumers involved, it does require some effort and sacrifice. If you want to appear in The Masquerade, you’ll be occupied for most of Saturday evening of the convention. You’ll need to sign up no later than 3:30 pm on Saturday afternoon, be backstage in the Green Room by 6:30 pm, and if you decide to stick around after your presentation to see if you’ve won an award, it might be close to midnight before you can get on with parties, filking, late-night panels, or just some sleep. We do try to get things wrapped up before then, and to make your backstage time as comfortable as possible. Young Fans (age 12 and under) go onstage first, and their awards are given right away, so that they don’t have to stay up past their bedtime.

Competition Categories

Young Fan*

This category is open to all children under the age of 12. Costumes can be made by the child or an adult.


This category is for costumes that “re-create” costumes seen in movies, on TV, or in books. Costumes will be judged on how accurate they are. Please bring pictures (photocopies or scans, not originals) of the costume that you are re-creating for the judges to look at.

Science Fiction

This category is open to costumes loosely inspired by science fiction shows and movies and original costumes dealing with other planets, space travel, or technology.


This category is open to costumes loosely inspired by fantasy shows and movies and original costumes dealing with fantastic creatures (fairies, elves, honest politicians, etc.).

Showcase of Champions

This category is for costumers who have won two or more major awards (Best anything, Most anything, First Place) at any convention.


This category is for costumes featuring the imaginative extrapolation of Victorian-era fashions and technology, recalling the greatest dreams (and nightmares!) of the Industrial Revolution.


This category is open to costumes representing your favorite classic or newly-created Anime and Manga characters.

All contestants are reminded that Shore Leave Masquerade entries are traditionally short; usually under one minute in length. Please review the linked Masquerade Information Document below for more details.

There will be First and Second place awards given in every category with 3 or more entrants. Category awards are judged on both presentation and costuming and/or makeup skills.

*Note: Young Fan awards will be presented immediately after the Young Fan competition.

Special Awards

In addition to the awards for each category, the following special awards will be available. Not all of these awards are guaranteed to be given out at any single masquerade.

  • Handiwork (multiple, including Best Handiwork) – These reward different techniques used in constructing the costume. Costumers must register to be judged for Handiwork; it is judged separately from the other awards.
  • Best Presentation – This rewards a complex, exciting presentation regardless of the type of costume. A thrift store find with a good schtick is eligible for Best Presentation, for example.
  • Most Humorous – This is for the presentation that is the most amusing, again regardless of the type of costume.
  • Most Beautiful – Judging the costume and not the body inside it, this rewards innovation and artistic style. Presentation is not considered.
  • Most Original – This rewards uniqueness and technique regardless of presentation.
  • Judges’ Choice – Awarded at the discretion of the judges for a worthy costume that doesn’t quite fit the other awards.
  • Best First Costume – This rewards the best costume by someone who is competing for the first time. It must be a costume that has been created by the wearer.
  • Best Costume Entirely Created by a Young Fan – This rewards the best costume made by the wearer in the young fan category. This is to encourage our next generation of costumers.
  • Best in Show – This rewards the best of everything – costume, technique, presentation, style.

Want to know more?

Check out our Masquerade Information Document. Or contact our Masquerade Director with specific questions.

Contact Masquerade Director

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