Shore Leave Policies


Convention Policies

Convention Rules

  • Convention Areas consist of all the downstairs rooms on the Conference Level; Vistas Café and rooms, the Wheatland room and the rear lobby area of the Main Lobby Level; and the Lincoln Theater and Lampeter Exhibit Hall off of the Main Lobby Level.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in any convention area. The only exception to this is where the hotel officially provides alcohol.
  • No unsheathed swords or knives, uncapped prop, paintball, airsoft, or splatter guns, laser tag, or similar articles will be allowed. Laser pointers are not allowed in convention areas, except those used by speakers, as they may cause eye injury.
  • Our hotel is smoke-free; smoking is not allowed in any part of the hotel buildings.
  • Damage to the hotel or convention property is the perpetrator’s financial responsibility. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for damages done by minors.
  • Badges must be worn within the convention areas at all times.
  • Interference with Shore Leave Security or convention radio communications will not be permitted.
  • The Hotel does not allow pets in the sleeping rooms, and the Convention does not allow them in the convention areas. Please see our “Service Animals and Pet Policy” for further details.
  • Any disruption in the Convention Areas, as well as any violations of the Convention rules, will result in immediate expulsion from the Convention. Refunds will not be given.
  • Practice the principles of IDIC, The Golden Rule, and common sense, and have a good time!!
  • Thank you. We appreciate your cooperation.


Seat saving will not be allowed in the main room. If the room becomes full, five (5) minutes before each speaker starts, all empty seats will be declared free. Convention Security will assign empty seats.

Personal Conduct

Shore Leave is to be enjoyed by all people present, including attending fans, guests, and staff. For everyone to comfortably participate in the activities in a somewhat crowded environment, we all need to agree to respect each other, our personal spaces, and differing opinions, and to share responsibility for everyone’s personal, physical, and emotional comfort and safety. We expect courtesy and cooperation from everyone in this regard. If anyone feels they cannot resolve an uncomfortable situation on their own, please do not hesitate to seek out a member of our committee for assistance. If you feel that your or someone else’s safety is at risk, please contact Shore Leave security, hotel security, or local law enforcement. If, in the opinion of the con chairs, an episode of harassment has occurred, the person committing the offense will have their badge confiscated and will be asked to leave the convention without compensation.


When Ten-Forward closes, the room is closed. This is so that we can get the room set up for programming to begin on time Sunday.

For your safety, dancing is not allowed on the stage. By state law, outside alcohol is not permitted, and violators will be asked to leave Ten-Forward.

Video Recording

Electronic recording of any kind (video, cell phone, etc.) is not allowed in the main guest presentations.

Photo Opportunities

All Photo Op sessions will take place beginning at 11:00 am on Saturday in Vistas Café on the main (lobby) level of the hotel. Please check the Pocket Program or signs for the exact times of each session. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR MISSED PHOTO OPS, so plan accordingly! 

You should arrive NO EARLIER than 5 minutes before each scheduled session. If you arrive more than 5 minutes before your scheduled session, you may be asked to vacate the area. Guests who have registered with Accessibility Services will be accommodated first. There will be a sign posted outside of the Photo Ops area telling you where to pick up your photos; allow at least one (1) hour from the time of your photo op for the photo to be printed. If you did not pre-purchase a Photo Op ticket, they MAY be available for purchase at the con.

Personal Presentations

Personal presentations while guests are on the stage are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, giving presents, and asking for hugs, kisses, handshakes, or photographs with the guests.



Our Complimentary Autograph guests will each sign one item for no additional charge during the Official Autograph Sessions on Saturday and Sunday.

One autograph is permitted, per guest, per membership badge, per day, during the official autograph sessions on any item that you provide. This is subject to on-site agreement with the guests. Please note: the program book will count as your one free item during the official autograph sessions; it is not in addition to your one free signature. Signing the program book outside of the official autograph sessions, free of charge, will be at the discretion of the guest. Please be sure to inquire about the charge before obtaining the signature.

The official autograph sessions line will be formed as badge numbers are announced. The lowest numbers are called and form the line first; anyone may enter the line anytime after their badge number is called, but they will not be bumped in front of higher numbers that have been called. We do not line up in strict numerical order but by number range. Numbers will be announced in all convention areas of the hotel, so please do not linger in the area while awaiting your number – go enjoy the con!

Lone individuals who have registered with Accessibility Services may report to the waiting area of the autograph line when the number range for their badge is announced. They will be fed into the line when their number range reaches the front of the line. Individuals who have registered with Accessibility Services that are with a companion or a group may report to the waiting area when the companion or the remainder of the group enters the autograph line. The individual will be allowed to join the companion or group when they reach the waiting area.

Groups with badge numbers in different number ranges who wish to enter the line together must wait until the number range of the highest badge number within their group is called.

Dealers may report to the waiting area of the autograph line when the number range for their badge is announced. They will be fed into the line when their number range reaches the front of the line. Please note that this can still take some time, so the following options are recommended:

  • Have a trusted individual wait in line with any dealer badges and items to be signed.
  • Arrive near the end of the autograph session.
  • Wait until Sunday when the autograph session is generally smaller.

Any other feed-ins are handled on a case-by-case basis.

It is not permitted to present wrapped gifts to the celebrity guests in the autograph line due to security reasons. Unwrapped gifts are permitted. Please keep in mind that most, if not all, of the guests travel by air and are constrained by baggage size and weight limitations.


Service animals and pets

The hotel does not allow pets but will accept service animals in accordance with the law.

Disabled individuals who require any accommodation under the ADA including the admittance of a service animal to the convention areas are asked to check in with Accessibility Services for the appropriate badge ribbons.

ADA Service Dogs Only are permitted in the convention areas!

We will accept fully trained service dogs, not emotional support animals per ADA rules. No dogs “in training” will be permitted in the convention areas.

Dogs that show fearful reactions, aggression towards people or other dogs, growling, showing teeth, biting, licking, uncontrolled behavior, such as pulling owner on leash (unless helping to pull a
wheelchair), jumping on folks, shaking in fear, urinating/defecating in the convention areas, will be asked to leave the convention areas immediately.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

For more information on service animal laws, please see


Covid-19 Policy

At this time, we are not planning to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination for Shore Leave.

However, we reserve the right to change this policy should local and state conditions and/or ordinances indicate that it is necessary.

• We highly recommend, but do not require, that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
• We highly recommend, but do not require, that you wear a mask, given the increasing case counts locally during the warmer months. Please bring a mask with you just in case.
• The CDC recommends that if your initial vaccination is more than five (5) months old, you get a booster shot. If you are over 50, the CDC also recommends that you get your second booster shot, if your first booster was more than five (5) months ago.

We understand that some people may still have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. We recommend visiting the CDC’s page “Myths and Facts About COVID-19 Vaccines” for more information.